What people & companies say about us

Sigrid Beckman

I had left my country and my life behind to start a new one here, but was feeling really lost for months not knowing how to restart my life.

In just a few sessions together Noemí helped me detangle the mental, emotional and philosophical mess I found myself in.  She pushed me to find the answers on my own. Very gently, but firmly coaxed me to search deeply and honestly to determine what was really pulling me back and clouding my thoughts and decision-making process.  She guided me when I could not find how to take the next step.  She took out the best in me by making me work hard to «peel this onion» until I found what I was really really looking for.  This has been a turning point in my life.

I am very grateful for her sharing this journey with me… to find the next me…The new me.

Me 2.0

Thank you Noemi.

Sigrid Beckman. Senior Graphics Expert and Communications Executive Director
Daniel Solbrig

«Quiero agradecer a Noemí el excelente trabajo de coaching realizado conmigo.

Antes de iniciar las sesiones no comprendía o entendía la necesidad de tener un coach a tu lado. Con Noemí, ese punto de vista cambió rápidamente. Gracias a su profesionalidad y capacidad para conectar con cada uno de los temas tratados, así como en el plano personal, fui capaz de realizar grandes progresos que me ayudaron enormemente para afrontar un periodo de transición en mi vida.

Trabajar con Noemí ha sido una experiencia enriquecedora en todos los sentidos y en la que uno puede llegar a alcanzar cualquier objetivo que se haya planteado con ella.

Si estás listo para pasar a la acción te puedo asegurar que con Noemí los resultados van a ser muy positivos. El «único» pero es no haberla encontrado antes…»

Daniel SolbrigPiloto de Helicóptero

Estaba en un proceso de transición profesional y personal del cual no era muy consciente. Noemí me hizo descubrir aquellas respuestas clave que no sabía que llevaba dentro. Hizo de guía en mi toma de consciencia, me orientó en la definición de mis retos, me llevó a los escenarios adecuados con seguridad y confianza, me acompañó en la consolidación de cada paso y me ayudó en la construcción de mi proyecto personal. Y lo hizo con entusiasmo creativo, con flexibilidad, confidencialidad y compromiso. Una experiencia auténtica que me aportó valentía, bienestar y calidad de vida.

Noemí es capaz de transmitirte la confianza imprescindible para generar un buen proceso de coaching. En cada sesión sacas nuevos aprendizajes y te sientes libre para expresar tus pensamientos y emociones. Su sinceridad, habilidades y recursos te guían a descubrir dentro de tí las respuestas y a asumir los riesgos y los compromisos.

Su calidad humana y profesional hace que las sesiones fluyan con naturalidad, lejos de técnicas y metodologías prefijadas. El impacto positivo que tuvo en mí sigue siendo un impulso en mi camino de crecimiento y autoconocimiento.

AlbertTousConsultor de marketing y comunicación
Agnieszka Szymanska.

La sesión con Noemi me enseñó que mis sueños no están tan lejos de la realidad y lo único que me hace falta es cambiar la manera de ver y hacer las cosas. Me ayudó a relajarme y recuperar la motivación.

Agnieszka Szymanska. Fotógrafa ,directora de Agnes Perspective
Amy Holden

Noemi offered me a constellations session, at that moment I did not even know what it was, but decided that it could be a good idea to just go with an open mind.

At the same time I felt that being a very mindful and decisive person, that I already had the capacity to unravel and analyze my issues, and so did not have very high expectations of any grand insight.

I had been ruminating over fairly significant problems and decisions that would need imminent attention in my professional and personal life. Instructed by Noemi, I separate all the issues into a separate elements and then we started to look into each option. At one point we had the room full of bits and pieces – each one representative of something different, and I can remember thinking “Oh my here is the mess in my mind just laid out in front of me!” We seemed to get stuck briefly between many different possible paths, all of which felt somehow not right.

Then under the guidance of Noemi, I was instructed to combine elements from different paths into order of priority – without knowing it, I created a whole new and totally ideal path which no amount of rumination and analysis has seen. I was completely speechless and impressed by the technique.

From that session I was able to make some life improving decisions which were absolutely steps in the right direction, and I learned a lot about myself, which will also serve to continue taking better decisions in the future.

Amy HoldenFounder of Mindfulness Centre, Barcelona Mindfulness Centre, Barcelona
Ingo Krasu

What did I expect when I asked Noemi for a coaching session? Someone to listen carefully and provide

qualified feedback, someone to broaden my horizon, someone to help me think out of the box, someone

not afraid to speak her mind.

Quite a lot to ask for but – I got it all and more. The session with Noemi was definitely an eye-opener in

some aspects and surely helpful at the right moment!     – Thanks!

Ingo Krasu